Learn English to help people all over the world.

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都島区eo英会話です。Today I'd like to tell you about something other than our English lessons. You don't hear the news in Japan a lot about the earthquake in Haiti. But CNN news , which I always watch, reports how horrible and tragic their situation is, and also shows some great charities. You can watch it with Japanese translation, too.
But if you watch it in English, you can feel the reality of their tragedy, struggle, and how they are helping each other directly. The language of Haiti isn't English, though many people can speak English and French.
When I saw " WE NEED HELP! FOOD AND WATER! " on a piece of board in the rubble on CNN news, I felt strongly that English is the language to ask for something anywhere in the world. English is the lauguage to help people all over the world.
Everyday we teach English to many students in Japan (such a peaceful country). We hope the students learn English and in the future, help people all over the world as much as they can.

CNNの番組の中で、瓦礫の町の中に立っている木の板に " We need help! food and water! " と英語で書かれている文字を見たとき、「世界に訴えるためには英語だ。助け合うためには英語が要る。」と強く感じました。

eo英会話 - 都島区
