th の発音

chizukogoto's picture

都島区eo英会話です。今日、日本人の復習レッスンの中で " I have a toothache. " (歯が痛い)という文が出てきました。この toothache の th の発音は日本人が苦手なものです。今日の生徒は小4でしたが、小1から習っているので、すんなりとできました。さすがです。復習レッスンのあとケリーにもう一度指導してもらったので、バッチリですね!! 

Our students learned the sentence, "I have a toothache." in the review lesson with a Japanese teacher today. The pronunciation of 'th' is difficult for Japanese. They are 10 year-old students who have studied here since they were 6 years old, so they can pronounce it very well. Good job! Kelly practiced 'th' pronounciation again in his class after the review lesson to help them remember, too. That's PERFECT !!

eo英会話 - 都島区
