Improvment   進歩 上達

chizukogoto's picture

都島区EO英会話です。小1の復習レッスンで " What do you like? " ゲーム(好きなもの当てっこゲーム)をしました。自分の前に10枚カードを置いて、そのうち1枚、好きなカードを決めて内緒にしておきます。そしてお互いに ”Do you like lemons?" など質問します。先に好きなものを当てられたら負けです。
In the 7-year-old's review lesson, we played a game which is called " What do you like?" . In this game, you choose in your mind one card which you like the best of the 10 cards on the table. Then ask each other " Do you like lemons ?" and so on , If you are asked the one that you chose, you lose the game.
The 11-year-old students came and were watching the game. After the game, they said " Let's do the same! " and started by themselves in only English without my help.
They're excited and laughed a lot. I'm impressed with their improvment.

eo英会話 - 都島区
